1: To utilize this, you should construct the following units, and pray to GOD your opponent(s) do not rush:
2: Above are your starting units. Begin harvesting. Use your fifty to make another drone. ASAP make a refinery, hydrolisk den, and spawning pool.
3: Make 6 zerglings and 3 hydrolisks just in case your opposition finds you. By now you should have money and upgrades to morph your hatchery.
4: Produce 7 more drones to increase your gathering capacity. Gas is very critical, so make it a priority. Begin building another hatchery, a spire, and a queen's nest, and TWO evolution chambers. Upgrade zergling speed.
5: 10 overlords will provide the supplies necessary for your force - be sure to keep them scouting. Upgrade your ground weapons as the cash becomes available. Upgrade your hatchery a final time. Begin constructing a ultralisk den and a defiler mound. Begin making 36 zerglings, and 12 hydrolisks. Also upgrade adrenalin glands for zerglings.
6: Now that the distraction force is done, you can begin work on the killers - particularly ultralisks and defilers. You will want 4 defilers and 5 ultralisks. By now you should have all your ground units fully upgraded. Make sure you research dark swarm and cancer in the defiler mound.
7: Using an overlord to scout ahead, mover your defilers up to you adversary's front lines. (Careful to avoid cannons, siege tanks, and bunkers). Burrow them. As soon as you assemble your attack force, pop the defilers up and spit cancer all over their defenses. Send the zerglings in first to soak up fire, with the ultralisks hot on their heels.....er....uh....talons. Keep the hydrolisks out of the fight to kill air attackers that might come after the ultralisks. Be certain to have a few overlords close by in case the enemy has cloaked units. Dark swarm can keep the ground units alive until overlords arrive. The weakened defenses will be shredded by the ultralisks, while the zerglings swarm over siege tanks and reavers, keeping them from attacking the expensive units.
8: Keep producing zerglings and hydrolisks in quantity, and you will roll over any defenses. Be sure to rout a few of these defenses back to your base, as the enemy may launch a counter offensive from his expansion base.
To defend against these attacks:
Protoss![]() | To handle this you will need a huge core of observers. Critical to survival will be killing the defilers before they play havoc on your units. If you can kill the defilers, make zealots in vast, vast quantities. Three zealots can take an ultralisk, so if you have about 20 zealots, you should be able to repel this attack. Also helpful will be carriers. They are quite effective against hydrolisks, and their swarming fighters will make it difficult for the ultralisk to gang up on your zealots. A good corp of dragoons never hurt either.... |
Terran![]() | Humans will want a large group of vultures - yes that's right - vultures. Spread the mine field from hell out in front of your base. Have about 20 firebats waiting in the wings, along with another 16 marines in bunkers. Two or three science vessels will be a necessity too. When they come, the zerglings will EAT the mines, and the blast radius will drop several at a time. Have SCVs ready to repair the defiler's cancer. Two per bunker should assure they do not explode. Irradiate the ultralisks, and turn the firebats loose on the zerglings and hydrolisks. |
Zerg![]() | The best counter a zerg player can have is a a large force of guardians. They will stop this attack cold. Hit the hydrolisks first and massacre the remaining units unchallenged. Additionally, a herd of zerglings will chew an ultralisk in twain. So build LOTS of herds of zerglings. Peck'em to DEATH. |
Terran | Zerg | Protoss |
Short game | Short game | Short game |
Long game | Long game | Long game |