1: Start by ordering all your probes to harvest. Do not begin construction on another probe. Save the 50 mineral at this point.
2: As soon as you get 100 mineral, order one of your probes's to build a pylon. By the time this is finished, you will have another 150. Build a gateway right next to your minerals. As soon as it is completed, warp in a zealot and begin constructing a cybernetics core. This one zealot will be able to handle four marines or six zerglings.
3: After the first zealot is finished, build two more. Also, warp in four more probes and a refinery. Have the workers gather resources. As funds become available, create two more pylons. Begin building a robotics bay. Send your zealots on scouting missions.
4: As the robotics bay is completed, order it to make a shuttle. Take a probe and create two robotics support bays. When they are completed, research the reaver damage and capacity upgrades. 5: Begin building four reavers and one more shuttle. Construct a forge and begin making photon cannons in case of an attack. By now your zealots should have found the enemy base. As your reavers finish, fill them with scarabs. Time is critical - you must finish before they complete a strong air defense grid.
6: Load the reavers in your shuttles, and fly toward the enemy base. Manuver around their anti-air units, and drop all four reavers just BEHIND your opponent's minerals, being careful to avoid defensive emplacements. Laugh as any units they try to send at you get blown to pieces. Order your reavers to hold their position, and you opponent's command center will be rubble in seconds. Be sure to keep them full of scarabs.
To defend against these attacks:
Protoss![]() | Any protoss ground unit is going to get smashed by the reavers, so ignore building them beyond a small defense force. Instead, go for an air attack. In the same time it will take your opponent get reavers, you can have two or three scouts ready. Kill the shuttles first, and if they still get the reavers out, dismantle them from the air. Have your probes flee if your opponent gets close to them. The nimble workers can easily outmanuver the lumbering reavers. In a few moments, the scouts will demolish them anyway. |
Terran![]() | Being able to blow a bunker all to hell in three shots, the reaver is a serious threat to any terran base. Your answer to this attack lies in your machine center. Research siege mode and begin building siege tanks. Four of them parked by your minerals will be a rude shock for the person dropping the reavers. Most likely, the reavers will get blasted before they get a single shot off. As they slowly try to advance on the waiting siege tanks, the 70+ damage of the terran superguns will reduce them into expensive scrap. |
Zerg![]() | Against this tactic, the zerg must rely upon their base attack units - the zerglings. Make certain you get the speed and damage upgrades as fast as you can. Also research the burrow upgrade. You will need roughly 30 zerglings, but this is still cheaper than the cost of the protoss units. Burrow the zerglings behind your minerals and wait for the protoss to land the reavers on top of them. Unburrow them, and the reavers will destroy themselves trying to kill off your zerglings. |
Terran | Zerg | Protoss |
Short game | Short game | Short game |
Long game | Long game | Long game |