1: To utilize this, you should construct the following units, and hope your opponent(s) do not rush you.
2: Above are your starting units. Begin harvesting. Use your fifty to make another drone. ASAP make a refinery, hydrolisk den, and spawning pool.
3: Make 6 zerglings and 3 hydrolisks, just in case your opposition finds you. By now you should have money and upgrades to morph your hatchery.
4: Produce 7 more drones to increase your gathering capacity. Gas is most critical, so make it a priority. Begin building another hatchery, a spire, and a queen's nest.
5: Five overlords will provide the supplies you will need for your force - be sure to keep them scouting. Upgrade your air weapons as the cash becomes available. Upgrade your hatchery a final time. Also upgrade your spire.
6: Start making mutalisks a fast as you can crank them out - Make 6 of them right off. Send a few drones out to make an expansion base at this point. Send the hydrolisks and zerglings out with them. Build replacements. Be sure to construct a good cluster of colonies for defense, which also frees up your overlords for your main force.
7: As soon as you upgrade the spire, build six new mutalisks, and evolve them into guardians. Finish off your weapons upgrade, and make zerglings like a fool.
8: With three hatcheries, you should have about 30 zerglings by the time the guardians are finished. Put your six mutalisks and 6 guardians into one group. In a second group, take no less than 4 overlords, and send them toward your opponent's base. Order the mutalisks and guardians to follow them. Now, send the zergling herd into the base, (they should reach it first). While you opponent's defenses are tied up, begin picking off their units with the guardians. Save the mutalisks to intercept any air units they might have. Keep pumping in the zerglings.
9: You will reduce their base to rubble in short order. Chat with them a bit as you guardians lay waist to they city.
To defend against these attacks:
Protoss![]() | Make as many scouts as you can. Have reavers protected by photon cannons to watch the entry into your base as the zerglings first hit. A cluster of templers is also critical, as the entire enemy force can be slaughtered by a well placed psi storm (or three). 5 scouts should bring quick DETH to the mutalisks, while the templers eradicate the guardians. The zerglings will die en mass thanks to the reavers. With the remainder of your force, you enemy's expansion base should be an easy target. Press the attack to win easy. |
Terran![]() | With the humans, you'll want roughly 12 wraiths, and two or three science vessels. 4 bunkers and a few missile turrets, (maybe even a siege tank?), at an obnoxious choke point is also critical. Cloak the wraiths as soon as the assault starts. Use the science vessel's defensive matrix on 4-6 of the wraiths and send them head-first into the mutalisks. They should be able to take out the overlords, leaving the fliers easy prey. The bunkers will have no problem with the zerglings. Add a few missile turrnets to spice life up. |
Zerg![]() | Build a SWARM of scourge. About 20 should do nicely. Then invest in about 12 of your own guardians, which will make 30 zerglings into red splats faster than you can say "ass-kicking." As their ULTRA expensive air fleet gets blown to green slimy kibble, you can massacre you opponent leisurely with your own guardians - backed up with a few hydrolisks. |
Terran | Zerg | Protoss |
Short game | Short game | Short game |
Long game | Long game | Long game |