1: At this point in the tec-tree realize one thing as a human: The machine center is your friend. Begin ordering all your SCVs to harvest. Do not begin construction on another SCV. Save the 50 mineral at this point.
2: As soon as you get 150 mineral, order one of your SCV's to build a barracks. By the time this is finished, you will have another 150. Build a bunker right next to your minerals. Make a marine in the barracks. This will hold off any opponents rushes.
3: Build three additional SCV's and three marines. Construct a refinery, and build an machine center. As soon as it is finished, construct the add on. As the funds become available, make another machine center with add on. Place the three new marines in the bunker. Fianally, build a supply depot or two and an armory.
4: Make 6 siege tanks and 6 goliaths. Research siege mode, and upgrade your vehicle weapons. Build three more supply depots and an academy. Construct the comsat station add-on for your command center and four more SCV's.
5: After you have located the enemy with your comsat station, advance your goliaths and siege tanks on their position. Move three siege tanks up, with goliath cover. Activate siege mode. Now, advance the other three tanks in front of the three in siege mode. The rear tanks will cover the front two, while the goliaths murder any air unit that flies by. Repair damage with SCVs as needed.
6: Continue "leapfrogging" your tanks. As the opposition's units try to attack your advance force, the group covering your lead will drop the hammer. Air attacks will not be an issue, as even protoss scouts will have problems against the goliaths, especially with SCV's constantly repairing them. In the mean time, you should be well on your way to making air units. Wraiths are especially helpful at this point.
7: With the tanks, blasting their defenses apart, choke points will be no problem. In siege mode, they out-range every ground unit in the game, and even reavers are hard pressed to beat this formation. In no time, the enemy will be pulverized. Ahhh, the sound those big guns make is sooooo nice. Coupled with the chorus of your enemies screams, it makes for a great opera.
To defend against these attacks:
Protoss![]() | Personally, I don't know how to stop this with protoss. I have never seen any kind of attack be successful against it. Revers get demolished en rout, scouts are goliath chow, and zealots never even get close.The only moderately successful counter I have seen are a few hallucinated templars. Just hope the mirages take the shots long enough for the real templars to get their psi storm off. Carriers would work, but you rarely have time to build one before the armored column is blasting you to dust. You just have to hope the templars do their work. |
Terran![]() | As humans, you need your own siege tanks. As the enemy tries to advance, your tanks will maul his. Bunkers to the left and right of your tanks will protect them from air attacks, and a missile tower wouldn't hurt anything either. Cloaked wraiths can deal serious damage to this formation too. Try launching a few feigned attacks to get him to use up his comsat power, then cut loose and smash the defenseless units. Make the SCVs and goliaths a priority. With no comsat power, the goliaths are useless against the wraiths. |
Zerg![]() | Simply put, you need 12 guardians, and a small "minefield" of zerglings. Bury a cluster of 12 zerglings outside your base. Have the guardians open fire on the siege tanks. As the goliaths try to intercept them, unburrow the zerglings just as the goliaths move above them. The siege tanks will kindly open fire on the zerglings, blowing their goliaths to bits in the process. Kill the siege tanks with the guardians as quickly or slowly as you want. |
Terran | Zerg | Protoss |
Short game | Short game | Short game |
Long game | Long game | Long game |